Mediation Training Course
In support of the Government¡¦s promotion of ¡§Mediation First¡¨ andthe educating of this concept, HKFW has set up a special task force to strengthen the mediation serve with the objective of extending this service to more citizens. HKFW provided its venue for this purpose andtraining for the professionals. It is hoped that in future, more people can settle their disputes through mediation so as to lessen the time, and expenses spent at the traditional court cases, not to mention the unpredictable outcome.
At the first Mediation Technique Training Course, practicing solicitor, Mrs. Yuen Chan Suk Yee (Helena) was the trainer. 18 trainees completed the 40 hours of systematic training and workshop, ready for the professional assessment. Chairperson Mrs. Peggy Lam at the Graduation Ceremony encouraged the graduates to keep in mind the spirit of helping others, that HKFW would continue to work on introducing new elements into the service in order to produce more outstanding mediators to serve those who needed the service.