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Chief Executive meeting Hong Kong Women's Groups
- Exchanging Views on Women Issues

¡@¡@Chief Executive (CE) Leung Chun Ying attended the meeting on 24 November at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

¡@¡@This was the first official meeting between CE and local women since the establishment of HKSAR initiated by HKFW. 300 representatives from hundred local women organizations attended the meeting, included non- government organizations, professional bodies and scholars, covering women from various walks of life in different ages.

¡@¡@Chairperson Mrs. Peggy Lam stated that HKFW has since its formation in 1993, chartered forwards it's main objectives to unite women from all walks of life, to encourage them taking an active interest in Hong Kong affairs and to improve and protect the lawful rights of women.

¡@¡@In order to arouse the interestof women from different sectors on women issues and to enhance the status of women, the Federation had conducted studies and collected views from women of all background, to draw up papers and submitted to the Government to ensure that women¡¦s voices were heard, covering issues which included newly arrived women, single parents families, child care service, women health, working poor and the retirement protection of housewife, etc.After much negotiation and efforts, the Women¡¦s Commission was established in 2000.HKFW believes that, the Government can provide better support to women, to build an equal opportunity work environment by formulating policies and establishing a women service fund to enhance the harmony in the community.Participants at the meeting raised issues and matters, such as women's participation in government boards and committees, divorced women living issues, difficulty in employment of married women, women¡¦s health, the lawful traditional right of female ¡§New Territories¡¨ indigenous inhabitants, training, maternity leave with full pay, child care services, establishment of a comprehensive service center for women, gender mainstreaming, increase resource for women development, conflicts of interest between local and mainland women, gender equality, marriage between HK and Mainland citizen, Chinese citizens give birth in Hong Kong and retirement protection of housewives¡Ketc.

¡@¡@We sincerely wish CE will consider seriously in his policy address our concern.

Speech by the Chief Executive: Chinese Only

Summary of Participants Statements: HKFW Newsletter Issue 62

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Please forward inquiries to: Hong Kong Federation of Women Limited
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