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HKFW Entrepreneurs Committee 10th Anniversary Celebration Dinner

HKFW Entrepreneurs Committee (HKFWEC) 10th Anniversary Celebration Dinner was held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, officiated by Madam Guo Li, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central Peopleˇ¦s Government in the HKSAR and Dr. The Hon. Mrs. Rita Fan, Member of the Standing Committee of the National Peopleˇ¦s Congress of China.

Dr. Ann Chiang, Convenor of HKFWEC stated that, the committee was established in October 2001. The objectives, scope of work and services of the Committee are to promote exchange and co-operation with cross-strait women entrepreneurs, to advance career development of women by uniting Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and international women entrepreneurs; also with the aims to enhance the status of women entrepreneurs in the economic, political and wider arenas by encouraging Hong Kong women entrepreneurs to upgrade and empower themselves and to fulfill their social responsibilities.

Ms. Pansy Ho, Deputy Convenor of HKFWEC and Event Convenor delivered her heartfelt appreciation to all guests of the night.With the purpose to enhance the status of women entrepreneurs, the committee continuously coordinates meetings and events, and hoped the committee can be a successful platform for local and international women entrepreneurs in the future.


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